You can follow your order both during processing and after it has left our warehouse Processing: You can check the status in "My Orders" page in your BETOLYE account. Shipped: Once your order is shipped, you will receive an email from us. In this email, there is the tracking information for your packages.
Tracking Platform:
How Do I Change My Delivery Address?
Please contact us as soon as you realize you need to change the delivery address as once it is shipped we cannot change the address. Contact Customer Service Immediately!
const settings_product_title = "title";
const product_grid_image_size = "100%";
const settings_product_image_hover_on = true;
let settings_product_save_label = true;
const settings_product_swatches_name = ["color"];
const settings_collection_color_swatches = true;
const variantShowLimit = 4;
const private_id = 'product-tmpl-' + Math.random().toFixed(6).slice(-6)
const product_variants = data.variants || [];
const product_id =;
const images = data.images || [];
const image = data.image || {};
const imageWidth = image.width;
let imageHeight = image.height;
if (product_grid_image_size !== 'natural') {
imageHeight = (imageWidth * parseFloat(product_grid_image_size)) / 100;
const price = Number(data.price_min);
let compareAtPrice = Number(data.compare_at_price);
let offRatio = data.off_ratio;
const type = data.type;
const isMock = data.isMock;
let product_image_hover_on = false;
for (let i = 0; i < product_variants.length; i++) {
const item = product_variants[i];
const vcap = Number(item.compare_at_price);
if (item.price == price && vcap > compareAtPrice) {
compareAtPrice = vcap;
offRatio = item.off_ratio;
let second_image = null;
if (settings_product_image_hover_on) {
for (let i = 1; i < images.length; i++) {
const img = images[i];
if (img.src && img.src.indexOf('video=') === -1) {
second_image = img;
product_image_hover_on = true;
let sold_label_on = false;
let sale_label_on = false;
if (settings_product_save_label == null) {
settings_product_save_label = true;
if (!data.available) {
sold_label_on = true;
if (settings_product_save_label && compareAtPrice > price && data.available) {
sale_label_on = true;
const diffPrice = compareAtPrice - price;
const variantValues = [];
const showVariants = [];
if (data.need_variant_image && settings_collection_color_swatches && settings_product_swatches_name.length > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < (data.options || []).length; i++) {
const option = data.originData.options[i];
const optionName = &&;
if (settings_product_swatches_name.includes(optionName)) {
for (let j = 0; j < product_variants.length; j++) {
const variant = product_variants[j];
const value = variant.options[i].value;
if (!variantValues.includes(value)) {
return `